Here's a little information on an upcoming seminar that I am giving on Legal Ethics and Corporate Officer Fraud. The seminar, which will be presented by the Los Angeles Paralegal Association (LAPA) will be held on Wednesday, May 13th 2009 at the Del Amo Room in Torrance.
LAPA’S Corporate/South Bay Section presents:
Legal Ethics and Corporate Officer Fraud
LAPA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and certifies that this seminar is approved for 1 hour of credit in ethics.
Lynn Conner, the President of Parasec, a public records research company, will speak at the May 13th LAPA Corporate/South Bay seminar. Ms. Conner will relay details about what constitutes fraud and what types of fraud can be perpetrated by corporate officers in today’s business and legal environment. The temptation for fraud is always present and given the right circumstances, it can be easy for individuals to fall prey to that temptation. Discover how to detect fraudulent activity, comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as it relates to corporate officer fraud, and gain valuable knowledge about the actions you should take if you have suspicions.
Lynn Conner has been with Parasec for more than 20 years, and has been the president for 16 years. Her background includes a Masters in Business Administration. Lynn is a member and past president of National Public Records Research Association (NPRRA) where she was influential in redirecting the association’s mission to encompass the world of technology and the
internet. Wednesday, May 13, 2009
More information can be found here.
Thank youu