Last night I presented a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminar to members of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association (LAPA). The seminar topic was Senate Bill 2956. I present a lot of these CLE seminars and have found that I really enjoy being a speaker and educator. The travel that is often involved can get to be a little tiring, but overall the experience is very rewarding.
Last night’s seminar was especially fun because I know a number of the members of LAPA. It was great being able to reconnect with long-time business partners as well as meet new people. All that socializing, plus I was able to help them meet their educational requirements with, hopefully, some very interesting material.
One individual I met was Sue Ann Jaffarian, an author of mystery novels whose protagonist, Odelia Grey, is a paralegal. Another woman I met last night is moving into the legal field after years as a photographer/photography teacher. Also in attendance, was a long time colleague of mine who I discovered is a guide-dog trainer and her current puppy-in-training was with her. Many of the people I met were in different stages of their business life. One woman had recently finished a paralegal program and is now looking for a position; another was recently laid off and, after taking a bit of well-deserved time for herself, will soon begin her job hunt; a third person recently moved from the litigation arena to the corporate field and is working to educate herself in her new specialty. I discovered all of this before I even got up to give my presentation. What a wonderful group of diverse professionals and I only managed to talk with perhaps half of the individuals who attended. I wish then all the best of luck in their careers and hope that the shaky economy treats each of them well.
The crux of my seminar revolves around the current efforts being made at the federal level to pass legislation which will require those who are forming corporations and Limited Liability Corporations (LLC) to provide “beneficial owner” information. The beneficial owner is the individual or individuals who will receive the primary benefit from owning the company. Currently, that information is not required when forming a corporation or LLC. Senate Bill 2956 was proposed to force all states to require that information to be obtained and updated on at least an annual basis.
The bill has now lapsed with the end of the 110th Congress on December 31, 2008 but it is expected that a new bill will be introduced once congress manages to focus on something other than the Economic Stimulus Package. I will pass on information about any new bill that is introduced as I hear about it.
P.S. Sue Ann Jaffarian’s fourth Odelia Grey mystery, Booby Trap, has just been released. Her other Odelia Grey mysteries include; Too Big To Miss, The Curse of the Holy Pail and Thugs and Kisses. I’ve just ordered all four books from Amazon where the reviews are all outstanding!
About Me - Matthew Marzucco

- Parasec
- I am currently the President of Parasec, a global public records research company. I blog about various aspects of the public records research industry and specific industry news as well as personal thoughts on topics which may be of interest to readers.
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